• Support Team MS

    Hello guys!


    Good morning, Team MS.


    From today, I'll be available to help you giving support in any in German or English given #MS tickets.


    Tell me if you need some help with anything.


    Best regards




    Alejandro GAIBOR


    M : support@abakusitsolutions.eu


    GERMANY • ADENAUERSTRASSE 20 A2 • D-52146 WÜRSELEN • T : +49 2405 80749 50

    BELGIUM • EUREGIOSTRASSE 8 • B-4700 EUPEN • T : +32 87 59 35 50

    LUXEMBOURG • Duarrefstrooss 31A • L-9944 Beiler • T : +352 20 88 20 50




    Sitz der Gesellschaft: D-52146 Würselen

    Registergericht: Aachen, HRB 24095

    UST.-Ident.-Nr. DE336455847


    Geschäftsführung: Philippe Houssier, Frédérick Georges, Stephan Radermacher


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    par Alejandro Gaibor - 01:05 - 1 mars 2022
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  • Re: MS Team

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